Hi there, I’m Brian McKinney

Developer, designer, musician, recording engineer. In other words, I like to make things


Brian McKinneyHi, how are you? I'm Brian McKinney. I build things on the Internets.

I create beautiful, usable websites using web standards and the highest quality tools available. I currently work as the lead designer/developer at The World Company—otherwise known as the company behind the creation of the Django web framework.

In 2010, I co-founded Brisky Business with my good friend Glen Stansberry. We immediately set sail on a mission to make the Web a better place. We over–developed howdyapp, under–developed Gentlemint and have several projects in the labs at the moment. Gentlemint has been featured on mashable, time.com amoungst others and was named one of the top 100 websites of 2012 by PC magazine.

On a more personal note, I am also an avid musician and recording engineer. I primarily play guitar, and greatly enjoy all aspects of recording and audio engineering. Currently, my main audio project is recording and arranging an EP for my buddy and bodyguard Ken Williams.

I am not currently accepting any freelance jobs, but if you have an incredible idea which could take off, load me up with stock options, and make me rich beyond my wildest dreams - until bubble 2.0 hits, when I would lose everything and become homeless on the streets of Silicon Valley...get in touch with me because that sounds like a lot of fun.

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