Hi there, I’m Brian McKinney

Developer, designer, musician, recording engineer. In other words, I like to make things

The exchange of ideologies in a relationship is important. I introduced @thisphrase to Taco Doritos—she introduced Spicy Nacho Doritos to me

@thisphrase what can I say? Chick fil a, LDP, near death experiences and imported chips. I really know how to charm 'em.

@dancox9 agreed regarding fb news. However, Id guess that processing that much realtime data would need heavy caching = 'top news'.

@akrito The bar at Henry T's is pretty good too.

@JWoodsoil Wow, 8 feet in the air! Where did you meet this talented guy at?

Forwarding from @JWoodsoil: : Rough day on the job? My sympathies. Maybe hearing that I got blown 8 feet in the air this morning will console you. Ah o ...

My last post really was worded very poorly. Was just trying to stay the guy is still relevant. Sorry for the confusion folks.

@astroot Yeah, I guess I really worded that poorly now that I re-read it. Was just trying to stay still relevant...still important Whoops.

Les Paul is 96 today and still rocking. The father of the electric guitar and multitrack recording still getting it done.

I'd *really* like to know what designer is responsible for my new @netflix start page. I have a few things I'd like to discuss...

The only thing better than catching a movie at Liberty Hall is doing so in a private screening. <3 being the only one in the theater...

Look, I know I gush about @libertyhall all the time, but seriously, it's the best thing about Lawrence. About to catch Earthwork.

"That would have been like counting the megapixels or processor speed on the original iPhone, which would would have missed the whole point"

+1 Forwarding from @bl: : An indictment of management by cost optimization and finance MBAs: Why GM Couldn't Be Apple by Bob Lutz [1]

@JWoodsoil Wha!? Remember Martin!, Big Momma's house, Bad Boys!? I could go on and on here.

Ok, check please. Everything that can go wrong today has, my tap water is yellow, a bird somehow shit on my desk at work. Not a good day.

Wondering why my tap water has this yellow tint to it...

I can't believe I am still seeing web design job postings that specify not using tables for layout. Is anyone actually still doing that?

@christinamaki I use mint.com, pretty helpful for keeping an eye on things.

Ugh. @fancypantsbeer get the facts straight before you throw words like 'bigot' around: [1]

@daniellindsley Hahahaha. You are the first person I thought of right after I posted that.

Who doesn't love Chick-fil-a? Seriously.

@thisphrase @wemissedtheboat I'm wondering where you stand in the east coast/west coast gangsta tap rivalry that's been all over the news.