I mean, to be fair, it's not like Apple has access to my music collection to guess probable recommendations for me or anything. Wait...
Looked at Ping for the first time today. Artists they recommend I follow: 3 Doors Down, Nickeback, Bon Jovi. Hrm.
I'm still a fool for the holy grail.
Forwarding from @Takeover_Tuggle: : Man vs Wild has to be one of the craziest most pointless shows ever..no one is ever gonna get that lost in the wild
Welp. There are days and there are days. Thank God for beer.
Guy cashing me out at the liquor store: "Is da jango a CMS? I used to be a web designer." You don't say.
Forwarding from @JayMart: : Amazing. Forwarding from @jamiemottram: : This 1995 letter from Dr. Dre to his then-GF-now-wife is the best. [1] (via Sha ...