Hi there, I’m Brian McKinney

Developer, designer, musician, recording engineer. In other words, I like to make things

Post move celebration at the Burger Stand in 45 minutes.

About to move a bunch of crap. If anyone is bored this afternoon and wants to move some boxes, holla.

@akrito Nice! Let me know if 6 string samurai is any good.

Pseudo intellectuals at the Pig are discussing the details of killing someone with a crossbow. I'm about to kill them with my bare hands.

I'm nearly done packing. Probably another hour or so and my possessions will all be enclosed in cardboard boxes. Pysched for tomorrows move.

Took a break from packing to go catch Inception again. Going to a really cold dark theater is nice on days like today.

Wow, the football recruit in the country from 2009 wants to transfer to play at K-State. Tennessee no likey. [1]

Going to the 2:30 showing of Inception tomorrow. If you want to come holla back.

My whole life is an escape.

OH "it's like fucking a rubbery genius."

Anyone know if the local AT&t store sells apple headphones?

Totally going to replace all of our Helvetica with Georgia.

Just found out I'm going to be the only designer at work for most of next week due to people taking vacation. Time to fuck some shit up.

Whenever I hear Cortez the Killer by Neil Young, I can't help but think of Auntie Mae's.

LIstening to some bluegrass on Rdio today, in honor of it being a short 47 days until the Walnut Valley Festival.

So, someone came out with a song almost identical to a Nickelback's Photograph. Probably just a coincidence: [1]

@thecurtain At last, I can finally come back to Manhattan and not have to deal with the Edge network. 3G is way, way > Edge.

@thisphrase Yeah, it's just that I'm packing things in 2 hour increments. How's the unpacking going?

That's the one. Yeah, that's it. The last piece of the puzzle.

How does not having much stuff turn into having so much stuff. Should be finished packing by tomorrow, but sheesh.

This may require another beer...

Really tempted to skip out on part of packing this weekend and go see Inception again.

Living up my last week of living next to the Pig, by...drinking...at the Pig.

Meeting over lunch? Lame. — at Lawrence Journal-World News Center [1]

First night of packing is a success. I'll be in good shape by Saturday. It's good to not have much stuff.

It's going to be a busy week between work and packing. But at th end of it I'll be living in house instead of an apartment. F to the yeah.

Forwarding from @sebleier: : The World Company open sources its first project! [1] Well, besides Django.

About to watch the New Pornographers — at Liberty Hall [1]

Damn, watching Yojimbo and wow @akrito is right, this is amazing cinema.