Hi there, I’m Brian McKinney

Developer, designer, musician, recording engineer. In other words, I like to make things

Glad to see that @rdio recognized the importance of affordance in their UI and re-instated the previous track button in their application.

Twister is the best movie to watch in September.

The @hawthornfc is at the top of the ladder heading into the finals. Let's get this done Hawthorn. I'll be watching from half a world away.

@benasmith Thanks man! There are a few more features on the way...

@worksology Damn it Josh, you got me hooked on this freaking Races album and I can't get it out of my head.

Hrm, this might take a while...[1]

Superman III is a freaking awesome movie.

Forwarding from @ucllc: : Emblemetric, new site/service parsing the 1.2 million logos in the US Patent and Trademark Office to reveal trends http://t.c ...

@AlamoKC it's cool. I'm stoked to check out the theater. Thanks for getting back to me.

@AlamoKc the phone number kept redirected me to a dial tone. I was finally able to get tickets through Fandango.

@AlamoKC Tried to buy tickets online, got "Sorry, but the cinema does not seem to be setup for payments..." and no once answers your phone?

Hey @rdio, put the previous track button back in your app! Forward, backward, play. This is what an audio player must do. Unbelievable.

An excellent reminder of the importance of contrast.

What the hell happened to the design of @rdio!? It looks like an unfinished wireframe.

Damn, I'm a complete sucker for a pedal steel in a song. I can't think of a more expressive instrument.

Today reminded me how lucky I was to be surrounded by such wonderful people, I'm going to miss everyone in a unique way.

Heading to Chicago for a few days. Anyone with Bar/Restaurant recommendations, let me know.

One time I stayed at a Ritz-Carlton. I just got an email from them introducing their 'Ritz-Carlton app'. Trying to find the words.

I was just reading about Avril Lavigne on the Internets. I really like how you can start at one end of the web and end up on the other.

@daniellindsley What editor do you use on the iPad? I've been curious about coding on an iPad.

Grace Kelly's family had to pay a $2 million dollar dowry as a condition of her marriage in 1956. Grace Kelly + 2 mill? Who was this guy?

@BrookeAshChamp It's a long story, but essentially just for fun. We've got a blogpost on it here: [1]