Right now, brand new bakery fresh music from Toto—Rosana, and pardon my francè, but f@&$ing sh**! I wish I knew the girl that song is about.
Stopped by my Mom's grave today for the first time since she passed away today. Hard to believe it's been a year.
@stephenparks I doubt I'm going to watch that movie. People kept telling I had to see it, but after watching the trailer, it looked lame.
@brittdetienne Dude, glad you made it, but WTF? I've never heard of switching planes 6 times. Sorry to hear that man.
Looking forward to tomorrows trip to Mtown more than usual. Going to be a crazy time, wish you all were going to be there...
Do I like the song Rosanna by Toto? Oh yeah. Is it because Anna is in the song title and it is ultra smooth? You betchya.
Just listened to Toto's Hold the Line about 10 times in a row. Who knew smooth music could rock so hard? Toto, that's who.
Great time at a BBQ tonight with yet another group of friends—something that never ceases to humble me and remind me how fortunate I am.
@thisphrase Sorry I missed your show tonight, I had something else I had to attend. Next time! I hope it went well.
@brittdetienne I don't know about you, but I find I learn something new from @glenstansberry every day.
Finnally got some serious leads on houses for next year. @akrito did you get your subterranian loft fixed up yet?
Wow, I found out today that @akrito, @nathanborror, and @glenstansberry are Lady Gaga fans. Just putting that out there.