Anyone who thinks KU vs. K-State's rivalry is an afterthought needs to read this article. Really well done: [1]
@ernby I may or may not have allegedly had some drinks last night, culminating in an incorrect EMAW amongst other things...
Really psyched for tonight's K-State KU battle royale. I've got a lot riding on this one Cats, let's do this! EMAW.
Last night got a little out of hand. Trying to regroup and see if I can make tonight get out of hand too.
@slimfender Right after Ys came out, I caught her show at a small theater in Denver. She completely blew me away, she's kinda amazing live.
@slimfender Joanna Newsome is awesome. I've seen her twice live, a couple of the best shows I've seen recently.
I just cheated on WV fest Fritos Chili Pie with an Austin Fritos Chili pie. Baby, I'm sorry, Itll never happen again.
I may or may not have talked to a small group of girls last night, who I illedgedly found out today work at a bikini bar.
Note to presenters: don't mistake enthusiasm for speaking as the same thing as being a good public speaker.