Hi there, I’m Brian McKinney

Developer, designer, musician, recording engineer. In other words, I like to make things

@bshaurette Awesome, look forward to a new Lawrencian.

@worksology I'll check it out. I've been using all of my good shit talking material up in conversations with people here in Lawrence.

Deciding which songs to get with my 30 e-music downloads this month. Thoughts?

@bahoo Don't worry. UK will still be number 1 on Monday. The little birdies have to play K-State on Saturday.

Strange things were definitlely afoot tonight at the Pig. I enjoy strange twists and turns a great deal.

For reals? You're making out at a table at the Pig. Come on! I'm trying to do a bit of work here.

@benspaulding well done my friend! Congrats to you and your family.

K-State controlled the and one of two undefeated teams in the country all night. You think we aren't for real? You're wrong.

@bahoo haha. Nice. I even get shit from people who haven't ever lived in Kansas. :)

We are kstate. Who the fuck are you?

At the Bram watching K-State play Texas. This is a big game.

Had one of the better weekends I can recall in Lawrence. Really lucky to have a handful of good people around.

@gpennington Haha. That's awesome. Consider that link filed away for future use.

@worksology I have, but it's been a while. My ex-girlfriend loved that movie. Therefore it is my sworn enemy.

@bshaurette Yeah, Liberty Hall only plays selected films and they are usually good. Also, Werner Herzog had me at Stroszek.

A Werner Herzog film starring Nick Cage is at Liberty Hall. I may actually go watch a Nick Cage film. I never thought the day would come.

If Drive is your favorite song by the cars, then fuck you.

In Manhattan to catch the Texas A&M game an some beers in the ville later.

Can't believe it's been so long since I listened to Jimi Hendrix. Have you ever been to Electric Lady Land? Indeed sir, I have.

Timing is everything.

Watching K-State whip KU's ass in women's basketball prior to watching the K-State vs. Mizzou game.

@thecurtain where are they building the one in Manhattan?

@thecurtain In Salina? Or did they open one in Manhattan?

Kind of enjoying Genius mixes in iTunes. Probably because it is simply a subset of my ultra-smooth music collection.