Hi there, I’m Brian McKinney

Developer, designer, musician, recording engineer. In other words, I like to make things


Danenberg Jewelers

Type: Production

Completed: July 2008

Disciplines: Design, Django, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Danenberg Jewelers is a locally owned Jewelry store that wanted to move into selling certain items online. I created their website using an open source Django application. There were some delays in this project that ultimately left me rushing this website out the door. I like some aspects of the design, but ultimately I really wish I had a bit more time with this one.

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K-State Search

Type: Production

Completed: August 2008

Disciplines: Design, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

I created a front-end for the K-State search engine that used JavaScript to parse various data sources and display the search results. K-State really sticks behind using their standard templates for most of their projects. Consequently, most of the design work that I did was within the the shell of said templates. I learned a ton about JavaScript from this project, and this is definitely one that would be much better having known from the start the things about JavaScript that I know now.

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Farney Photogenics

Type: Production

Completed: May 2006

Disciplines: Design, PHP/MySQL, HTML/CSS

Farney Photogenics is a photography studio located in central Kansas. They needed a modern website that would allow them to showcase their latest work and market their range of photography services. I designed and built a simple website with a PHP/MySQL backend that accomplished their marketing goals and allowed them to maintain galleries of their latest work.

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K-State Division of Continuing Education

Type: Production

Completed: March 2006

Disciplines: Design, HTML/CSS

While working for the Division of Continuing Education, I designed and planned a complete revamp of their existing, quite archaic large-scale website. Portions of my design didn't make it into implementation and were changed by the committee-led design process. However, I was proud to be a part of a very difficult, but beneficial process for their organization.

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Image of the Walnut Valley concept.

Walnut Valley Festival Concept

Type: Spec

Completed: January 2009

Disciplines: Design

I'm a huge fan of the Walnut Valley Festival. It's a fantastic bluegrass festival that takes place in Winfield, Kansas every year in September. Their website is rathar dated, so I took a bit of time and mocked up a re-design concept purely for my own entertainment.


Type: Production

Completed: November 2009

Disciplines: Design, Django, HTML/CSS

Designed the promotional website for Mediaphormedia's flagship software products: Ellington CMS and Ellington Marketplace. Since my original design, the concepts have been bolted onto and altered somewhat, but most of the site is based on my original concepts and design.

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Type: Production

Completed: April 2011

Disciplines: Design, Django, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Howdy is a startup co-founded by yours truly and Glen Stansberry. I designed all of the UI as well as the Python and JavaScript that powers Howdy — a new kind of web app. We're in a private beta right now, but will be open for business and blowing your mind soon.

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Ellington Analytics

Type: In development

Completed: July 2011

Disciplines: Design

Designed a simple analytics application for Mediaphormedia's Marketplace. Ellington Analytics was designed to give Marketplace and business owners feedback on the performance of their listings in Marketplace.

Ellington CMS

Type: Production

Completed: March 2011

Disciplines: Design, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Ellington CMS is the software product that grew out of the original version of the Django web framework. It's one of the largest Django web applications that exists today. I currently work on a small team designing Ellington CMS and other software solutions for media companies.

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Ellington Business Hosting

Type: In development

Completed: January 2012

Disciplines: Design, Django, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

EBS is a project that grew out of the Ellington Marketplace business directory. The concept behind EBS was the ability offer a custom website to businesses on top of the existing directory platform. I designed and built a simple website editor for EBS.


Type: Production

Completed: November 2011

Disciplines: Django, JavaScript, Co-founder, Sys Admin, Python

Gentlemint was a project I created with Glen Stansberry as a community for "manly content". Before we knew it we were featured in Mashable, The Wall Street Journal, Time.com and everywhere else you can think of. We built GM in a simple hackday and it grew from there to the awesome community it is today.

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React Drum Machine

Type: Production

Completed: May 2017

Disciplines: Design, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

When I was learning React, I tried to come up with an idea for a complex application that would include lots of state changes. My first idea was to build a drum machine, which actually matches up really well with what React is good at. For version one, I just wanted to get something that looked passable and had 4-5 sounds which could be easily controlled by a user.

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