Hi there, I’m Brian McKinney

Developer, designer, musician, recording engineer. In other words, I like to make things

Inspired by @thisphrase my Henry T's problem has been solved. In the form of a deep fat fryer being shipped to my house A.S.A.P.

@faustman BTW, thanks for the tip on Ip Man 2. I had no idea it had just come out. In fact, I just stumbled upon the first Ip Man.

Why are people so up in arms about the iPhone backing up location data? It has an extensive log of my texts which is way more incriminating

@faustman Weird, I watched it last night on NetFlix Streaming and there was no dubbing, only subtitles.

Ip Man was a damn good film and I'd recommend it even though it is only loosely based on the real life of Yip Man.

@thisphrase it's in the routine! Going on Saturday can't make up for it. I'm just trying to pick up the pieces. I'm devastated here.

@thisphrase I'm at Defcon 1 over here. I've compiled a list of possible backups and was about to call all of them to see if they're open.

I don't need much. All I ask is that on Sundays I can go somewhere and get a huge mug of beer and some food that is incredibly bad for me.

Look, I don't want to alarm anyone, but I just got off the horn with Set em up Jacks and they are closed on Sunday as well.

Trying to choke back my tears. Just found out Henry T's is going to be closed on Sunday. All day. What am I supposed to do now!?

@Takeover_Tuggle Doubtful, and looks like the iPhone5 won't be out until late Fall or possibly early 2012: [1]

Ok, I like The Civil Wars. Even though their music appears on shit TV shows. They'll be at The Bottleneck this Friday and I will too.

All right Tron, let's fucking do this.

Was just reading over my cover letter for my job application at Mediaphormedia. Damn that was good. I felt like a slow clap was coming on.

It never fails to irritate me when an artist isn't on Rdio. Damn it.

Forwarding from @robdelaney: : Q: What do Hitler, the Zodiac Killer & Sarah Palin all have in common? A: Their favorite band is The Eagles.

@stephenparks I don't know...I've got some pretty good records.

I wish you would come pick me up, take me out, fuck me up, and steal all my good records.

@thecurtain That's awfuly cool! I'd have to save up a bit of scratch, but I'm definitely interested.

Forwarding from @bahoo: : (Spoiler: _everyone_ is hiring right now.)

@faustman Ah, working at a University. Don't miss my daily emails.

@DScottFritchen haha — "at this particular point in time"—nice Snyderism.

@mintchaos Congrats to you! Gonna miss having you around here though.

I haven't had a library card in years, but I got one on Friday. I've totally been missing out, this library thing is pretty awesome.

@thisphrase What. The. Fuck? You want me to have a talk with someone about the importance of scheduling and not wasting L.L's time?

Back in Manhattan to visit my bros. Should be a nice night for a patio and some beers somewhere in Aggieville.