So, it's Demon's Dick. Not Demon Dick. My hopeful band name. Just to clarify because fuck, I got way called out on that.
Nearly got my house back to normal. None of the terrible things I thought might happen even got close to happening.
Thanks to all who came out to my party last night. Was pretty epic, but I still have beer in my pony keg, which completely befuddles me.
Putting the final touches on preparation for my party tomorrow. If I forgot to invite you and want to come over, holla.
I've never wanted to make out with code before, but if I could make out with these lines of code, I definitely would.
@shawntiemann Yeah, sorry man, had to work on some stuff. Ironically. But yeah, we should grab a brew sometime.
@morganwestfield We use it at work to communicate between coworkers, so yeah, 95% of the time the people in them are useless.
@abbycat27 There are all kinds of rumors flying around about my party, I can't confirm or deny that one at this time.
@thecurtain Yeah, I bet you do! I just have to show up and have a good time and even that is a pretty big undertaking.
The Walnut Valley Festival is only three weeks away. Really hard to believe it's coming up so soon. Gotta do my calisthenics in preparation.